Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i love u so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahahahahahahahah....thanks God..i hav a brother who loves me SOOOOOOOOOO much...more than i love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanksssss!!!!
he willin to waste almost a month of his salary to buy me a WOnderfUl balcKie gUitaR!!!!
oh niooooooooo~!! so TOUCHEDDDDDDDDDDD!!!! T.T ahhhhhh~~~~~~~
thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!love u forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDD
and im so sorry that im always complain bout u behind! *i repent liao*
SEEEEEEEEE~ my 小黑!!!!!!!!so nice rite?!!! it's so perfect with the sticker!!! lolss!!
my brou're so cool~!!! u're so nice to me!!!!!!!!
shiny2 blackkk~ XDDD
T.T with a pack of accessories~! oh no...太体贴了!!!!!!!啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
纾解这次的经历- 我一直想要一把吉他。即使是最便宜的也好。可是机会慢慢溜走。
但是万万也想不到,竟然是我哥!送了我一把吉他!而且是比我要的吉他贵四五倍的+一些吉他工具!its too perfect!!! more then what i wish!!!!!!!!!! thanks GOd! U're the best!