Saturday, February 7, 2009

Motivation in Organizations is Very Important

When in charge of a group of people, motivation is very important. Not only for the people who comprise the group, but for the leaders as well. This goes for any organization, whether it be the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, a charity, or anything else where the people of the group are all working towards a common goal. The motivation is what got that organization together in the first place and so it’s important to keep that motivation up throughout all your endeavors. Motivation in organizations can be accomplished by finding whatever gets everyone going. It won’t be the same for every organization but by finding out what that thing is, you can be sure the organization will be successful at whatever they attempt.

Common Goals
The organization got together for a reason. That reason may be to raise money for sick children, or it may be to raise awareness for some other type of cause. If the organization has lagged in attendance and people seem to be dragging their feet, it could be because everyone forgot what they’re working towards. It’s important, then, for the leaders to remind everyone what the organization’s goal is. That’s how motivation in organizations is accomplished. Every so often, set aside a day where everyone comes together to think about and reflect on what the organization has done so far and where they’re going. That may be just what the organization needs to get going once more.

Awards Ceremonies
Another way to create motivation in organizations is to create awards that you present to winners on an awards night. That can be a great motivator as it makes people feel accomplished and valued. If people think they may win an award which will be presented in front of the entire group, it will make everyone work that much harder so that they can be in the running for such an award. The awards can be printed off of any computer and set into a nice frame. This adds a special touch and it’s something that everyone can be a part of. It also creates motivation in organizations because everyone wants to win an award, no matter what that award might be.
Finally, to create motivation in organizations, the leaders must be especially motivated. If the leaders aren’t motivated, chances are the people in the group won’t be either. So make sure if you’re the leader or one of the leaders of your organization, you reaffirm your goals and go to your next meeting ready to go. You’ll see that that enthusiasm will soon carry over to everyone else and the organization will be better because of it.