Saturday, May 9, 2009


lols..paise eh...i forgot video canot rotate..lols...

sry..i record this in urgent..

so i'm blank when i m asking..

she luks lik rushing oso...

probably paise...hahhaha...

well, she's 开心~


thanks God.............................


william chong said...

The conversation between u n ur po very cute la.haha... u make ur po shy oledi, but at the end i can c ur po is happy.hehe...

DabianTsin said...

got meh? -.-

william chong said...

Got! u keep asking ur po question. u po keep trying run away from u. hehe...haha~

DabianTsin said...

hai me so paise.. -.-

william chong said...

hehe... but i love this video... lovely...

DabianTsin said...

lols..thanks mien~